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The Bottle Cap Lure Newsroom

Fishing Lures From Bottle Caps?


Published by Charles Cawlishaw

August 12, 2018


 Norman Price started Bottle Cap Lure Company 18 years ago. The idea came from a beer and a fishing lure. He said "I was sitting at his kitchen table when I had just bent beer bottle cap like I always do and tossed it on to the table were it landed beside a fishing hook. He says that is when it struck, him. Since that first idea Norm took this as a sign and started producing beer bottle cap fishing lures. He would sell them where he went. Initially, people thought it was some kind of gag. However, when he convinced them to try his product they all found out he was right, they worked very well in fact. He also Master Angler Andy Vander Ploeg has publicly stated that the Beer Bottle Fishing Lure has played a big part in him winning his 2 National Championships.

Talk of The Town-Access 7 News

Talk of The Town


Published by Charles Cawlishaw

August 12, 2018


 Hooked On Recycling and The Original Bottle Cap Lure Promotion. Spreading awareness about bottle cap recycling, through a $100,000.00 Fishing Contest.


 Norman Price sits down with Access 7 and talks about his company The Original Bottle Cap Lure Company and his Non- profit Hooked on Recycling.

Custom Fishing Lures

Custom Fishing Lures made from bottle caps


Published by Charles Cawlishaw

August 12, 2018


Norn sits down with local news tv station to talk about his new custom made fishing lures made from 100% recycled bottle caps and how companies can order theirs today.



Published by Charles Cawlishaw

August 12, 2018


The Original Bottle Cap Lure Company has signed several national deals with Boston Pizza, Canadian Tire, Home Depot, Co-Op and more. Norm Price the founder of The Bottle Cap Lure Company and Hooked on Recycling a non-profit group has waited 17 years to see his dream come through. With a deal like this, we are able to keep a lot more bottle caps from getting into our landfills and will also help to increase sales for the fishing lure company.






















In fact, in Montreal alone, Simon Dupuis the companies Eastern Canadian Regional Manager has collected close to 1 million bottle caps by going to bars in the West Island. "We have been pretty tight-lipped about it in the last year, Simon said. Most of the bars do not even know why they save them for us. "We do it because we have known Simon for years and years and swore he would tell us about all in good time. I'm glad I had the sense to have my staff put all the bottle caps on the side for Simon. What a great idea, I wish him all best." said Johhny the Owner of Johnny's in DDO.


Simon said" I wanted to wait for the signing of the National Brands, now that, that is out of the way I can start to go to every restaurant and Bar in Montreal. Imagine said if we collected 1,000,000 in just over a year from such a small area imagine what we could accomplish if we take this to every eatery and drinking establishment in Eastern Canada.


Simon says that they keep only what we need to fulfill their orders after that whatever is left over is donated to Hooked on Recycling a registered nonprofit where Mr.Dupuis sits as a director. Our goal for Hooked on Recycling is to try to eliminate all the one use items we discard every day, which ends up in our landfills. 


We have several programs that we started and have plans to help get our communities to get involved as well. If you want to find a way to help your bar or restaurant go green then please send me an email at Hooked on Recycling has made it so that every bar or restaurant can even mail their caps to us and will provide them with a charitable receipt.


Simon is also going on a trip through Eastern Canada visiting as many bars and restaurants to convince them to save their bottle caps for his nonprofit organization and he says he will also use that time to put his custom-made fishing lures into as many locations as possible. Simon says "I am taking my team on the road sometime in 2018 or 2019 and we are going to make a game that every person or business can get it on. I don't want to say too much but we will need the public to help to us get from location to location to Find The Bottle Cap" think something along the lines of the virtual Pokey Man Game from the other year, lol. I am still working on it. I promise I will let you know when I have it all worked out.


We are going to follow Simon's trip across Eastern Canada so if you want to follow his team's progress then you will need to follow their blog@ To get your company branded custom made fishing lures today please go to It is a great way to promote your business and help the environment.

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